Returning to Pixieland...
COVID-19 Warning: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. Guests are responsible for determining and evaluating their own risk when attending. By visiting Pixieland, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
Pixieland will always strive to maintain an environment that is family-oriented, fun, and safe. As the current COVID-19 outbreak continues to develop, we are holding true to our commitment to safety by following the government and Public Health Department’s advice.
COVID-19 Updates:
Learn what you can expect during your next visit and be sure to check back here as information will be updated often.
Visit for current state orders and updated information.
Guests who are under isolation or quarantine orders must not enter Pixieland. By entering Pixieland, you are confirming that you and all persons in your party are not experiencing any of the following symptoms of COVID-19 identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the, including:​
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
In contact with or have been in contact with, someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 symptoms without completing a 10-day quarantine
Under any self-quarantine orders
Stay home if you cannot confirm all of the above criteria and do NOT visit Pixieland.
By entering Pixieland you acknowledge that you understand and will abide by all health-and-safety requirements.
To try and keep our little friends safe, face masks are encouraged whether you are vaccinated or not.
We are following the honor system mask-wearing policy in place for venues where close contact is unavoidable (for example, our ride operators must check ride restraints): we ask all unvaccinated people age two and over to wear a face mask at all times except when eating or drinking.
Fully vaccinated people are not required to wear a face mask, however we welcome and appreciate those who continue to wear their face mask.
Water fountains are closed, you will need to bring bottled water or purchase bottled water at the Kids Cafe.
Be patient as we close rides to be sanitized.
Cough or sneeze into your elbow.
Some images shown throughout this website may not represent current operational guidelines.
Rides and high touch areas will be sanitized frequently throughout the day.
Hand sanitizer stations will be located at each ride and riders will be encouraged to sanitize before riding the ride.
Our employees will go through COVID-19 training.
We will take employee temperatures daily.
Employees will be required to wear face masks.
Employees will not be admitted into the park if they have:
Tested positive for COVID-19.
Are waiting for test results from a COVID-19 test.
Been informed that they have been exposed to COVID-19.
Experience systems related to COVID-19 including:
shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
muscle pain
sore throat
new loss of taste or smell
We are committed to the safety of you, your family, your fellow guests, and our employees.
Thank you for your help and kindness!
Please note that the State of California recommends and encourages awareness of the following:
Everyone is encouraged to get vaccinated when eligible.
Everyone is encouraged to sign up for CA Notify as an added layer of protection for themselves and the community to receive alerts when they have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19.
Please be aware that there is risk in attending large crowded events where the vaccine status of others in attendance may be unknown to the individuals.
Please be aware that there is risk in attending large crowded events for populations that may not currently be eligible for vaccination, or may be immunocompromised and whose vaccine protection may be incomplete.